Themed activity of "Healthy Running" was held


In order to improve the physical quality of teachers and students and help the construction of a healthy campus, on September 24, the College of Physics and Electricity held the theme activity of "Gathering Strength and Running for Health, Running for Physics and Electricity". Party Secretary Pan Jinbiao, Dean Chen Yuanping, Vice Dean Sun Hongxiang, Deputy Party Secretary and Vice Dean Gu Yuting, and Trade Union Chairman Yin Hongfei, and more than 20 teachers and 50 undergraduate and graduate students participated in this activity.

At six o'clock, teachers and students gathered in front of the main entrance of the library on time, and despite the cool morning breeze, the crowd was still enthusiastic. Party Secretary Pan Jinbiao introduced the purpose and significance of the event, reminded the students and teachers of the precautions to be taken during the exercise process, and led them to do the preparation activities together before he announced the official start of the morning run.

The morning run was six kilometers in total, five kilometers of uniform jogging and one kilometer of accelerated sprinting. The running route was the library, Wukesong, Qinren Valley, Jingjiang Building, Plum Garden, and finally sprinting back to the library. During the running process, all the teachers and students were united and took turns to lead the team, cheering and encouraging each other, which enhanced the cohesion between teachers and students. In the last kilometer, although some students and teachers were a little weak, they gritted their teeth and insisted on the finish line, and none of them fell behind.

Zhou Junlei, an undergraduate student, said that he was busy with his studies and had few opportunities to participate in group sports, so he was very happy to run with teachers and students in the morning.

Yang Zheng, a graduate student, said that this morning run showed the good spirit and perseverance of the students and teachers of the College of Physics and Electricity, and she would put this tenacious spirit into her study and work to contribute to the development of the College of Physics and Electricity!